Crew Positions

Updated December 1, 2024: The boat returned from two years in Mexico on July 4th. She is currently docked in her home port of Humboldt Bay, California, catching up on some deferred cosmetic maintenance . Tentative plans are to spend next summer in the San Juan Islands and/or southern Canada, fall in California’s Channel Islands, and continue south November/December to Panama.

I AM owner/captain, 77 years old, good health, strong, 60+ years maritime experience, retired professional, old hippy.

Long Term Position(s)

Long term/permanent crew wanted. Individual or one berth team. Candidate(s) will have open ocean and cruising experience, be able to stand watch, raise and reef sails, go up the mast, and clear lines from the prop. The ideal candidate(s) would have familiarity with the equipment and systems described on the preceding pages, and be competent to eventually operate the boat without my being aboard.

All your on-board expenses (e.g. food, port fees, fuel, repairs, etc.) paid by boat. A modest stipend will be considered for qualified applicants. I single-hand inshore, so you will have the option to travel home, explore and travel ashore, and may also do pick up work (e.g. boat maintenance, deliveries, chartering, etc.), as our mutual schedules allow. 

My family and friends may visit the boat occasionally, and so may yours. I enjoy long open ocean passages, remote anchorages, as little time as possible in marinas, and the tropics. Otherwise I am flexible re itinerary.

I prefer young energy aboard, and the ideal candidate(s) will be south of 50. Personal and professional references to be exchanged.

What’s expected of the crew aboard this boat
English speaking, confident swimmer, rarely/unlikely seasick, good communicator, travel light (little luggage), respectful, clean & tidy, committed, eager to learn & work, fit & healthy, low key, friendly, polite, will keep politics/religion to yourself, diligent, positive outlook, skilled, organized, discreet, trustworthy, open minded, enthusiastic, easy going, sense of humor, enjoy cooking, don’t mind cleaning, good with maintenance, can follow orders, will not bring a bicycle, will bring and use earbuds, will not bring a pet, surf board(s) &/or SUP’s are OK.

Lifestyle Preferences
Eating–Preferably crew with an unrestricted diet
Drinking–Preferably non-drinkers and aboard moderate drinking is fine at anchor
Smoking–Preferably non-smokers and aboard moderate smoking allowed on the aft deck only
Nudity–Aboard any or no nudity is fine
Romance–Strictly no romance and please don’t contact me if looking for romance!

I’ve always enjoyed single handing, and still do. I’ve never had full time crew before. In the past, when I needed crew for passages, my family and friends were always available. Now, not so much—My wife is a professional still immersed in her career, my son is a working parent, my grandchildren (ages 13 & 20) are students, and my friends have limited availability.

Further, although I’m blessed with good health and strength, I’m not getting any younger and Surrender is a LOT of boat. Competent/compatible crew will extend the years and destinations I’ll be able to enjoy going forward. And, “experienced, long term/permanent” crew will allow me the flexibility I’m looking for (e.g. the ability travel home at will), and give you (and your friends and family) the unique opportunity to live and cruise aboard a world class boat, on my dime, indefinitely.

Final Thoughts

Foreign nationals or those who live far away are challenging because I strongly prefer a person to person interview and individuals that live within 2000 miles are more likely to be interviewed. I will be happy to discuss this via email/Zoom to explore if we would be a good fit.

 I want a team that are friendly, easy to get on with, capable of maintaining the boat or able to organize specialists if required, will help with meals although not expected to cook all the time, take their turn on watch during passage making and generally share in all aspects of the voyage. I want to feel comfortable leaving the boat in capable hands and,  be confident that if I need the boat repositioned you will be capable of doing so.

We will share all boat duties (no room for those who do not wish to join in !). I like to keep the boat clean, tidy and well maintained. We will experience a mixture of day passages and some longer over-night ones. We rarely use marinas – we are self sufficient and anchor overnight – choosing quiet and picturesque locations wherever possible.

Final routing has yet to be decided and your preferences will matter. Please no alcoholics, drugs, religious or political extremists.  You will have to leave if you do not respect this. I do not drink alcohol but you can enjoy a drink when we’re on the hook. Moderate smoking is allowed on the aft deck only, and down wind of the rest of the boat.

If the foregoing resonates with you, please go to the CONTACT PAGE to begin a conversation. 

Thanks for listening,

The Captain and family of Surrender